Custom Dentures In Toledo & Sylvania

Dental Office Located in Sylvania

custom cosmetic dentures

A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Two types of dentures are available – complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all the teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain.

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures can be either “conventional” or “immediate.” Conventional dentures are made to either replace existing dentures or, for a new denture wearer, after the teeth have been removed and the bone in the jaws has healed. A conventional denture is ready for placement in the mouth about 4 to 6 months after the teeth have been removed. Unlike conventional dentures, immediate dentures ensure you will never be without teeth! This is because immediate dentures are made in advance and can be positioned as soon as the teeth are removed.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures can be used to replace missing teeth if the patient has one or more stable teeth on opposite sides of their mouth. There must be enough teeth for the partial denture to be clipped to. At our Toledo-area dental office we design our partials to be as comfortable and as invisible as possible. A removable partial denture usually consists of replacement teeth attached to a pink or gum-colored plastic base, which is connected by metal framework that holds the denture in place. Partial dentures are used when one or more natural teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw. Not only does a partial denture fill in the spaces created by missing teeth, it prevents other teeth from changing position.

Implant Supported Dentures and Partials

Conventional implants with snap-on attachments and mini-implants can stabilize full dentures and eliminate clasps on partials. Implants can also be used to eliminate dentures and provide you with a much more natural-feeling set of teeth.

Signs You May Need a New Denture

  • You can only see your teeth when you smile widely
  • Denture is loose and slips
  • Worn flat yellow teeth
  • Faded and cracked denture base

Our team of dentists and denture technician specialists make sure that your denture looks and feels as natural as possible and gives you the look you want. Whatever options you choose, dentures may need to be relined, rebased, or even remade due to normal wear. Dentures can become loose because a mouth naturally changes with age and this can cause sores, infections, or painful chewing; bone and gum ridges can also recede or shrink, causing your jaw to align differently. With rapid advances in dental services, denture technology has never been better. Precisely designed and molded to fit your mouth, full dentures provided by Dental Health Associates will slide over the gums and are held in place with the cheek and mouth muscles. They allow for comfortable chewing and youthful appearance, and can even improve the look of your smile. Dental Health Associates can also replace worn out dentures with custom made, state-of-the-art dentures that blend with your skin, hair, even eye color! They will allow you to eat most of the foods you love, and eliminate the risk of embarrassment, ultimately helping you feel better about yourself, and your smile.

Are dentures in your best interest?

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